There are always days like this that roll around, some worse than others. But nonetheless, it is a broken day.
It's the kind of day where all the lies that are constantly whispered in my ear get turned up a notch. Or twenty. Instead of the sinister, underlying current of lies, there's a roar in my ears, telling me how inadequate, how overly needy, how not enough I am. I hate that.
I know they're lies, I really do. But they feel true. And maybe some of them have some truth to them. Those are the hard ones to ignore.
I just keep trying to shove them away, or justify them to appease these roaring thoughts.
But only truth, real truth, can silence them.
As I sat, trying to distract myself away, a whisper penetrates the din of voices..."Mine," He says.
"Mine," He says to the voices, the liar who is filling my brain, trying to claim me as his.
"Mine," He says to me as I try to not listen while simultaneously falling apart because it's all I can hear.
"Mine," He declares over me, not because I am His in this moment, but because I always have been and always will be. And no amount of lies makes that not true.
David calls out to God for help because of his enemies many times. I've never related to it, honestly. Until this.
Be not silent, O God of my praise! For wicked and deceitful mouths are opened against me, speaking against me with lying tongues. They encircle me with words of hate, and attack me without cause.
Psalm 109:1-3
There is always a great battle for my mind, my heart. It is waged anywhere and everywhere. Nothing is off limits to this enemy of mine. He is not compassionate, but goes right for the throat.
But I am not without a protector. The war is won, even if the battle rages.
Blood has covered me, hidden me, made me whole, made these lies that could be true...untrue.
And He declared me "His."
It is a mystery I will never understand, but I'll try. It is too glorious for comprehension, but it is my reality.
Oh, Praise the one who paid my debt and raised this life up from the dead!
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